
Showing posts from November, 2022

Being Rhea [ray-ya]

{Rhea} was an experiment :) One of the stronger (& yet super random) reasons that motivated me to give myself a new name:  My chinese name [yong3 bin1] has always been mispronounced as [yong3 ping2] by ppl who didn't know the chinese characters (that's essentially every one except my chinese teachers and TCM doctors). As it started from preschool, I have never thought about correcting anyone and accepted it as a norm (& thus I think I don't connect really well with yong3 bin1 either). Then, one fine day, I just decided that the mispronounced version doesn't sound like me anymore HAHAHA And, I think a part of me was also looking to refresh my sense of self (identity crisis¿¿) I researched for names with meanings and sounds that I resonated with. I settled on names that reflect 'water' because it is my favourite element. I like water as a symbol (i.e., of change & flexibility), as well as the sounds and views of water irl - it's rather comforting a

This Summer: Nerdy Gains

Had the opportunity to get a glimpse of the ECE practices of 11 sites in Vancouver!!! The coursework got us to reflect on our experiences from 2 aspects - environment & programme. However, as it was Summer break, most of the sites were in the midst of transitioning to the next school term. Hence, most of  my insights were from my humble observation and the conversations we had with the staff from various organizations. I saw  a spectrum of practices - practices that resonated with me & practices I do not align with. Here I am, to  document my thoughts about the resources & practices that resonated! (I'm adding my learnings from the site Myriam brought me to in Montreal here too!)  Inclusion & diversity I love that many centres are really explicit and loud in how they acknowledge / express/ advocate for diversity (self-identity, abilities, interests). They also have materials that  differentiate learning! All gender washrooms, LGBTQ+ symbols, diversity literature &am

This Summer [4/4]: Closing Thoughts

Unlocked many of my firsts this summer ☺️ - Flying by myself, attending summer school, staying with my friends, solo travelling, carpooling, doing workaway etc.  I still rmb I was looking for reasons to feel excited about Canada because I was feeling tired from all the administrative things I had to settle and plan for and Canada wasn't a country I have ever thought of visiting. But!!! I'm now a changed person. Much gratitude for all of the safe journey wishes I have collected; my trip was a smooth-sailing one :) Here's giving thanks to everyone and everything I met & had in this entire journey (pre & during & post-trip) +++++++++ I did a mini NGL on IG on my way back to gather anon questions and used it to consolidate my thoughts. Here are my revelations & some closing thoughts: Trust My trust in humans usually begins at the 100% mark before I revise it (probably not a wise mentality). I rely mainly on my intuition & social energy when forming new conne

This Summer [3/4] - Solo Trip: Montréal & Portneuf

  MONTRÉAL  Montréal was the most spontaneous part of my trip. A super memorable one too!  Montréal happened because I got to know Myriam (she is a Montréaler!) and also Jeremiah who had plans to explore Montréal. Me and Myriam prepared many dishes together, and I could feel my taste buds unlocked new sensations with Pâté Chinois (Québec style shepherd's pie), bagels (fried with coconut oil and dipped in maple syrup), homegrown cherry tomatoes baked with potatoes and onions :9 Myriam fed me really well (yumz yumz), and I really enjoyed preparing food with her!!!  Also, Myriam has a super bubbly personality and she is super considerate. She made sure her friends spoke English when they came over (although they usually spoke French), and she changed her plans to have Shrooms at her friend's place (instead of having her friend over) just because I don't engage with Shrooms T_T.   I spent my first full day exploring Montréal with Jeremiah! We hiked Mount Royal and explored the

This Summer [2/4] - Solo Trip: Québec City

SOLO TRIP My journey was filled with spontaneity! The mental freedom I had after clearing my assignments was marvellous *the first time in a long while since uni started*. The original plan was to go to St Valentin after a week in Québec City. Then, it became Québec City>Montreal>Portneuf because I had to make new plans for accommodation for the last week & was curious about Montréal.  QUEBEC CITY Québec City's old town was a very dainty place to stay in. The people in the hostel come and go. The feeling was always, "we literally just met and you are leaving/I have to leave already?" Sidenote: Was very happy to find bathroom slippers at a thrift store because I think I have issues embracing 'outside germs' after showering. #firstWorldProblems  The hostel was so well furnished! Some cool facilities I used include the shared kitchen + fridge, and free morning chocolate (for that one day I got down early). I shared a room with 5 other travellers who come an