This Summer [2/4] - Solo Trip: Québec City


My journey was filled with spontaneity! The mental freedom I had after clearing my assignments was marvellous *the first time in a long while since uni started*. The original plan was to go to St Valentin after a week in Québec City. Then, it became Québec City>Montreal>Portneuf because I had to make new plans for accommodation for the last week & was curious about Montréal. 


Québec City's old town was a very dainty place to stay in. The people in the hostel come and go. The feeling was always, "we literally just met and you are leaving/I have to leave already?" Sidenote: Was very happy to find bathroom slippers at a thrift store because I think I have issues embracing 'outside germs' after showering. #firstWorldProblems 

The hostel was so well furnished! Some cool facilities I used include the shared kitchen + fridge, and free morning chocolate (for that one day I got down early). I shared a room with 5 other travellers who come and go (a lot of them were from France, some from America and 1 from UK). The bunk bed was creeky and I was woken up by the lady on top of me with vigorous shaking (cool experience) and her drama with another traveller for the first two nights. But!!! Other than that!!!! All the other travellers were super considerate & mindful of the shared space. (Also, they get to bed super early idk why #healthyPeerPressure) I didn't succumb to the peer pressure but slept very comfortably and felt the most rested here! ☺️

There are a lot of slopes around the town. It felt like a workout every time xD I still rmb how shag it was to get my luggage to the hostel up the steep slope it was built on. (Very blessed to have luggage with wheels + a lift in the hostel - although I stayed on the second level #weak :D) And then imagine all the detours I had to make because I was relying on a wonky (but precious) GPS :)

The highlight of my time in the city was really the experience of slowing down, being present and embracing the unknown. I travelled to nature places like Domaine de Maizerets, Montmorency Falls, and the Plains of Abraham. Domaine de Maizerets was rather scary because the map said I had to cut through a forest to get to the labyrinth I wanted to see. It was really quiet and there weren't any other humans except a jogger. The sky was just starting to clear up from the rain and the ground was still wet. I didn't know what gave me the courage to cut through the forest all by myself 🙈 It was also the first time I saw a marmot!!!

Montmorency Falls was fantastic!! I love the sound of water and it was cool talking to different travellers I met along the way. (A lady brought her pet pigeon out for a walk?!) A regret that stayed with me till now was misdirecting a couple from the Dominican Republic who was looking for a cable car ride. We trusted my GPS too much, and I really hope they had time to do a detour to get to the cable car/manage to find the cable car at the other end ;_; Other than that!! I ventured into a side trail that seemed less travelled (I actually pinned my coordinates on the map in case I lose my way). It brought me near a mini waterfall. There were rocks so I decided that that will be the spot to have my midday bites. The sound of the water was comforting and I love to watch the world flow by - just like the water in front :)

The view of Saint Lawrence River and Château Frontenac from the Plains of Abraham was very pretty! It was also one of the sites where the Korean drama Goblin was filmed. I realized I love the sounds and views of water, bonus if there are views of mountains :)

The Museum of Bad Art was funny and I would have gone to round two for the Museum of  Civilisation if I had more time!!! Their exhibitions were super good & creative but I've only had time to look at half of them. 

It was cool walking around Terrasse Dufferin at night too. The street performances and breezy nights gave a different vibe from the daytime. That was also the spot recommended by the hostel receptionist Maille when I asked her where I should go to catch the fireworks! That was my first time watching fireworks in the rain and staying out by myself in this foreign land :3 Nighttime felt safe here, as compared to Vancouver and Montréal.

Also!! Something I realized was that I don't see druggies or people who are obviously homeless here (as compared to downtown Vancouver and downtown Montréal!) Vancouver had certain streets that were lined with camping tents, and my friend saw needles sticking out of a person's temple and needles discarded on the seats of public bus stops. I also learned to identify the smell of weed there. There were stalls that screamed vape and cannabis near downtown Vancouver. In Québec City, everything is so peaceful --- not sure if it's just the areas I saw. However, the people in Vancouver seemed more friendly. Like we will smile and say good morning to anyone we make eye contact with. But, the people I met in the streets of Québec generally kept to themselves. (Although a friend shared that that's the social norm in Vancouver which may not reflect the true intentions of their people xD)

I started to miss Québec City even before it was time to leave for Montréal TT.TT