8 Months In

One of my new year resolutions of the year is to make peace with the people at my workplace by acknowledging that I can't please/ find peace in every relationship. I think I have been on track! I find myself less fixated on mulling over "why are people like this" and instead focusing on "so this is what I am going to do". I can feel my treshold increasing together with my sassiness B)

The other resolution is to find ways to maximise my energy. I haven't gain much insight on this though. The increase in the number of children to the current cap of 16 has definitely brought about mental and physical fatigue. It is to the extent whereby I couldn't even focus on work after work. Pre-trip low is real too, i haven't have much bandwidth to think about what to bring/pack in my luggage when my trip is this coming Saturday. The worry is that I might not feel rested even when I am immersed in the beauty of melbourne and tasmania due to the stimulation and sense of novelty and all the travelling. I also have things I have to complete by this Wednesday: new children observation & calendar,  and by this friday: the next two weeks of lessons while I'm off holiday, rbc slides, automated email reply, 2 compulsory e-learning modules, posting on parents portal, price of field trip. Should I just bring my laptop to Australia to settle these I wonder? Basically, too many things are on my agenda and I have been trying to declutter while my mental and physical selves are just trying their best to recover. 

There are too many things to reflect on and I'm writing this on April 1, 0115 and having to wake up in 6 hours' time aint helping hahaha BUT im still going to do a quick one. The silence and breeze of the night - I realise - really calms and settles my soul for deeper work.


I really miss freedom - mainly the freedom of headspace, and time for myself, independent of committment & responsibilities. Solo travelling, me-time for self-care/ stoning etc. 


Looking at my previous post about my hopes of having 5 different 'hobbies' for self-improvement, I thought I'd regroup and prioritize them too. 

1: A goal that makes me $$$ in the long-run

  • Increase my investment literacy, automate certain processes
  • Think: By which date can I complete the renewal mod & set up the automation?

2: A goal that keeps me healthy #ActiveYP!!

  • Look forward to returning to aerial pilates with flywfitness / 2Yclub
  • Putting it here first - yoga mat, ball, and wall exercises 
  • Think: Are there any youtube playlists to follow for what I can do myself?

3: A goal that increases my interpersonal skills [on hold] 

  • Practice human-centric skills by volunteering with growth circles

4: A goal that improves my intrapersonal skills/mindset

  • Patience: Support mm in her learning of Taiji
  • [on hold] reading: You are not listening, Thanks for the feedback, It's ok not to share (ECE), What we say and how we say it matters, 100 languages of children, Others: Anti-bias education; loose parts play (ECE)

5: A goal that keeps me creative [on hold]

  • I've broken the streak on Duolingo for the time being to focus on work and other parts of life
Conclusion: The 3 areas I'd like to focus on are to improve my financial health, physical health, and spending more effort with my mother on her physical health (Taiji, bring her outdoors etc.). My father has been jio-ing me more often to visit his dad and other errands these days too. So I think I might want to restructure the third focus into spending more time with my family. I think my social life (friends) is starting to take a backseat as life happens so I really appreciate the low-maintenance relationships I have with my friends T^T
ok I'm going to yeet myself to bed first and think about the rest later.