Headspace - An Unemployment Masterplan

This entry has been a draft for the longest time - Now, I am only a month before official work commences ahhh ;_; Here's putting down some new thoughts as I read the draft - hopefully it reignites some motivation in myself - and I'm gonna publish it TODAY xD


Headspace has become a luxury since uni started. The desire to learn and attempt different things had me fill the space with different plans, activities, commitments, and responsibilities. No regrets though - it encouraged me to stay in the 'stretch-zone', helped me gain greater awareness of myself and the world around me, and reflect on what I value and how I can better prioritise the things in life. At the same time, the need to balance all my curiosities made me crave the possibility of having nothing in this space - to just be. 

My plans for unemployment are plain:

  • to have a work-free life before my bond
  • to create an opportunity for prolonged & uninterrupted headspace to devote to what I have been wanting to do (now I wonder if I still have time?)

The risks & opportunity costs:

  • Finance: Loss of income (I believe negative income is an investment for time is priceless)
  • Time: I might procrastinate when life becomes too spontaneous ;-; (and I did, today is 30/06/23)
  • Psychological: Work-withdrawal symptoms were real HAHA (I feel like I am on auto-pilot and still struggling to live life more consciously)

Time is a very valuable resource and I really want to maximize my unemployed life!! (Highly likely to sabotage the plan :D #MuchConfidentVeryAware) - and I have been :')

I learned from a podcast about the value of having 5 different 'hobbies' for self-improvement and thought that my priorities this unemployment season fit nicely with them. While it would be valuable to turn them into 'habits', I shall not be too ambitious here, will keep them as 'goals' for the time being. Reflecting on what I typed before and putting more thoughts to keep myself accountable :)

1: A goal that makes me $$$ in the long-run

  • Review my finances (where I put my $ & how they have been doing) - Done! But I can better understand them
  • Increase my investment literacy - online resources & hands-on applications
  • Short-run: eKMM  > I forgoed this because the listed dates got too close to the start of work and I am still figuring out some priorities
Think: How can I space out the courses to increase my investment literacy that fit into my current timeline?

2: A goal that keeps me healthy #ActiveYP!!

  • At home: Put my yoga mat, ball, and wall into good use > I haven't have this discipline
  • Outside: Complete muay thai & boxing, focus on aerial pilates > I'm on my last month of muaythai, and I've shortlisted 2 gyms for aerial yoga/pilates and will be attempting the promo packages when work starts to gauge my ability to commit!
Think: When can I repump the yoga ball? (done) Are there any youtube playlists to follow for what I can do myself?
Think (later): When can I commit to the promo sessions?

3: A goal that increases my interpersonal skills

  • Practice human-centric skills by volunteering with growth circles > I've signed up to facilitate 3 more circles in the month of July! One is tmr and another is the next week. I am going to review what I learnt from the course today, and meet the team a little earlier tmr better orientate myself mentally for that!
Think: How can I document what to work on in myself after every session? (type in my phone! or write in my calendar!)

4: A goal that improves my intrapersonal skills/mindset

Synthesise my learning from these books - Prioritising the top 4!

  • You are not listening > Im 1/5 into this book now :) It helps to read it on the transport to muay thai
  • Thanks for the feedback > I was halfway into it, I plan to restart & take down notes along the way to consolidate my learning
  • It's ok not to share (ECE)
  • What we say and how we say it matters (ECE)
  • Others: Anti-bias education; loose parts play (ECE)
Think: How many pages can I read a day? How often do I want to read?

5: A goal that keeps me creative

  • Continue learning French on Duolingo and with Naomi! And from the le petit prince > I have been maintaining my streaks on Duolingo, having friends to learn & complete quests together is very motivating :) I'm putting Le Petit Prince aside for the time being for the other books above!
  • Digital art & sparkAR (see mood :)) > I am still trying to understand how my new stylus uses its battery / connect to my tablet, but probably wouldn't do this unless I have a strong motivation to create :) #spontaneous
Think: I don't see myself using French in the short/medium-run for the time being, but it is a beautiful language that I want to continue exploring and learning - how to manage this interest wlo compromising other priorities? 

Side note: I'm slowly putting together some thoughts and insights from my Indo trip :) There are so many things to think about - gonna take my sweet time for that hehe
Side note2: Haven't got back to q a lot of friends on when I am free to meet y'all :') I've been needing some me-time to just nua and stone by myself >>> gonna get to it when I have more bandwidth, like maybe... on the transport later? ><