
Showing posts from June, 2023

Headspace - An Unemployment Masterplan

This entry has been a draft for the longest time - Now, I am only a month before official work commences ahhh ;_; Here's putting down some new thoughts as I read the draft - hopefully it reignites some motivation in myself - and I'm gonna publish it TODAY xD - Headspace has become a luxury since uni started. The desire to learn and attempt different things had me fill the space with different plans, activities, commitments, and responsibilities. No regrets though - it encouraged me to stay in the 'stretch-zone', helped me gain greater awareness of myself and the world around me, and reflect on what I value and how I can better prioritise the things in life. At the same time, the need to balance all my curiosities made me crave the possibility of having nothing in this space - to just be.  My plans for unemployment are plain: to have a work-free life before my bond to create an opportunity for prolonged & uninterrupted headspace to devote to what I have been wanting