Lao Jiu: The Musical

I came across this free mandarin musical on youtube during early circuit breaker and was so drawn into it. It is called Laojiu, 老九, meaning the ninth child of a family. 

So here I am, casually noting down some lines from the performance that struck/resonated with me, alongside with some of my musings. I have put in the English translation as well :)

What sets me apart from the rest of the world is my 
ability to appreciate your uniqueness.
I feel that this demonstrates the element of fate in relationships (not limited to romantic ones). It is cool how we can "click" with different people differently, and how some of us can grow closer to one another because we see certain beauty that others don't. Maybe what makes human relationships incredibly powerful is our ability to develop a unique understanding, trust, and love for different people.

舞台是空了 等别的舞者 
木偶不动了 他们不如从前随和符合 
木偶不动了 他值得你偶尔玩耍 
The empty stage awaits a new act but 
the motionless puppet won't move along with the changing times.
You can play with these toys once in a while, but
it would be utterly foolish to take it as a career.
This reminds me of the debate between passion and pragmatism especially when the former is not well looked upon by the society. Certain decisions are viewed as impractical simply because it is neither in trend nor does it promise handsome extrinsic rewards.

父母对我的寄托 我懂感激恩惠 
那如果作为木偶表演 没什么不对 
I am eternally grateful of my parent's devotion towards me;
they wished for nothing but the best for my future.
If I can be accomplished as a puppet master,
why should I follow the conventionally defined route of success?
Everyone think that I am bright and clever ever since I was young.
However, was that a facade? I'm not sure.
Perhaps this career choice won't bring my family wealth and fortune, 
at least I am being true to myself and who I want to be.
Sometimes, the expectations set by others may put us in conflict with our truest desires. This is especially when these people have invested so much of their time, money, and feelings that they evolve into an identity label that persuades us to live up to it. 

The excerpts present children as the "subjects" of the significant adults in their lives. This is like how adults tend to parent their children based on their own understanding of a "best practice" because something worked/not worked in their own experiences. This includes the types of physical (e.g., food, clothes, toys) and social (e.g., parenting styles) environment they provide for their children. 

The question: Are those efforts really beneficial to the children?

量子物理学 - 爱因斯坦的相对论:
Quantum Physics - Einstein's Theory of Relativity
What is the theory of relativity?
Relativity is the theory that concerns space and gravity where
space and time are relative and
mass and energy are correlated

What is the theory of relativity?
Geniuses and idiocy are relative;
Power and responsibility are correlated.

What is the theory of relativity?
It is one for all, all for one
It means fewer choices with higher aptitude,
and lesser freedom with greater responsibility.

Relativity is the decision made without any choices
It is freedom with glass panels on all four sides.

E=mc^2就是爱因斯坦成功的秘方 ~, 
The energy of a matter equals to its mass multiplied, 
by the speed-of-light squared.
E=mc^2 is the most famous formula in the world, 
which earned young Einstein fame and fortune.

快速却没力 抵达目的地 
Smaller mass translate to lowered energy, 
which reduces the amount of work done.
Greater mass isn't better, 
for much of the energy will be wasted.

一等的公民有 房香车和美女 
The force of any matter equals to its mass; 
people can appear to be fashionable and trendy, 
and force their way up the social ladder.
The richest and most powerful enjoy all luxuries in life 
because they hold the key to success, 
but do they really have what it takes?

忠良一降低突然就有吸引力 不需要背脊 也不用志气 
忠良一升高突然就有地心引力 回到地面 脚踏实地 
Some people are willing to sacrifice dignity for success, and it usually works. 
Others treasure dignity more, and live life with their feet firmly grounded.
This is an extremely long one but I really love how the production made the connection between physics, a science subject, and the real life: social inequality, responsibility, autonomy, effort, and morality. I thought that the third stanza from the bottom was particularly interesting to think about. It talks about how we might never know how much effort to put into any work we do. 

Many times when we fix our hearts onto an ambition, a goal, or a plan, we start to work towards it. Some of us will make plans before starting, and some of us will just start and see where it takes us. Then, we start to uncover more and more things that we have to be mindful of, prepare for, and overcome. Here is an overly simplified (an lame) analogy: It is lunch time and you are craving for the hokkien mee across the street. The question: How prepared should you be before you head out of the house? Would there be a sudden storm the moment you step out of the shelter? Might the hokkien mee be selling at a higher price today? Would the mode of payment change? Might the stall be closed today?

[Because the analogy made it seem like this human has intense anxiety, you are free to imagine it as a more complex scenario, like setting up a business or starting a project :D] 

But, the main things to think about would be: 
So how do we know if we are over- or under- prepared for any endeavor we are embarking on? And how much effort should we invest so that we minimize futile ones? 

考试 这样的机会能有几次 
高层人士有钱 要不然他就总是 
考试 是今年最重要的好事 
通过这一关 才华就能获得证实 
Exams do not give you a second chance; 
it determines the path your life is going to take.
When you are at the top, you will not have to worry about taking exams. 
Exams is the most important event this year; 
if ordinary folks have what it takes to succeed the exam will prove your worth.

考试 艺术家为何不也考试 
Why isn't there an exam for artists; 
where students who pass are seen as refined, cultured and educated?
Perhaps this concept is already outdated.

考试 是不能将是说成不是 
及格就算是 看得起你最佳表示 
Exams mean every question has a right answer;
you will not be given an explanation for its accuracy, and
you should be grateful that you passed.

考试 不要再闲着没事找事 
Exams are what you should prepare yourself for, 
instead of fooling around like those artists. 
Pursuing the arts just wastes resources, 
and that is a failed investment.

考试 艺术是叫做自讨苦吃 
所以还不赶紧去读书 机不可失 
You are asking to suffer by pursuing the arts.
It will only leave you starving and penniless;
so wake up and study hard for the examinations.
I thought that this excerpt is a mirror of the local education system xD. As much as the system is portrayed to be steering towards character-building or 'holistic-education', paper qualifications is still a real thing in many industries.

But, what exactly keeps people in the artistic/social industry at the base of the 'ladder of success'? 
Why does it take a pandemic to redefine the value of certain careers? 
Why should the academic streaming of 12-year-olds be the determinant of their future? 
Are the disadvantaged individuals going to forgo their dreams just because they do not have the financial ability?

不做被谁操纵的木偶 乾坤就在我手 
Since I have made a choice, I will not turn back.
I have my fate and destiny in my hands and will not be anyone's puppet. 
Only freedom can help me visualize my future.
我 为我自己做出了一个选择,
那我的生命 又该怎么延续下去呢?
I have made a choice for myself,
but where do I go from here?
I love how this musical ended with this question that presents an uncertain future (rather than imposing a happy ending on its audience). While sometimes dreams can threaten to take us no where, what can we do to make sure that it actually takes us somewhere (that we desire to be)?