
Showing posts from July, 2020

More than just two computing courses

          Some of my friends would know that mobile app development is one of my first few choices for my uni minor. It stemmed from an interest to create apps for my children in the future as I've noticed them being very drawn to technology related things. To explore this interest further, I signed up for two IT courses, one on mobile app development and another on web app development.            Along the way, I became more aware of the workings behind the different codes, and the reason why certain apps are less user friendly (raising my expectations for apps x))         I also came across various educational technologies that are ready for educators to use (eg. BoomLearning, BookWidgets, Thunkable, WordWall, Quizizz). Some of them might not have the interface i dream of, but are rather functional and convenient to complement learning.           I worked so hard and dedicated so much time and energy for mobile app dev, and sought a lot of help to accomplish a humble Pomodorocket

Lao Jiu: The Musical

I came across this free mandarin musical on youtube during early circuit breaker and was so drawn into it. It is called Laojiu, 老九 , meaning the ninth child of a family.  So here I am, casually noting down some lines from the performance that struck/resonated with me, alongside with some of my musings. I have put in the English translation as well :) --- [#1] 我与他人区别在于  你的特别唯我能了解  What sets me apart from the rest of the world is my  ability to appreciate your uniqueness. - I feel that this demonstrates the element of fate in relationships (not limited to romantic ones). It is cool how we can "click" with different people differently, and how some of us can grow closer to one another because we see certain beauty that others don't. Maybe what makes human relationships incredibly powerful is our ability to develop a unique understanding, trust, and love for different people. --- [#2] 舞台是空了 等别的舞者  木偶不动了 他们不如从前随和符合  木偶不动了 他值得你偶尔玩耍  但如果当真万万不可  The empty stage awaits a new act b