
11 months in


8 Months In

One of my new year resolutions of the year is to make peace with the people at my workplace by acknowledging that I can't please/ find peace in every relationship. I think I have been on track! I find myself less fixated on mulling over "why are people like this" and instead focusing on "so this is what I am going to do". I can feel my treshold increasing together with my sassiness B) The other resolution is to find ways to maximise my energy. I haven't gain much insight on this though. The increase in the number of children to the current cap of 16 has definitely brought about mental and physical fatigue. It is to the extent whereby I couldn't even focus on work after work. Pre-trip low is real too, i haven't have much bandwidth to think about what to bring/pack in my luggage when my trip is this coming Saturday. The worry is that I might not feel rested even when I am immersed in the beauty of melbourne and tasmania due to the stimulation and sense

Three Months In - Introspection Time

TW: Friends, my posts in this employment era are likely bleak and depressing for some time. Do stop reading if you think this energy is going to affect you ya. I'm only using this space to process my experiences, and organise some thoughts and feelings for myself --- think of me talking to a soft toy ok! The last thing I want is to spread any form of negativity or make y'all feel worried. Trust me, I am currently trying to do my best to manage and navigate life ___ "Do you miss school?"  "No, but I'm missing a less-employed life" ___ Three months in, yet it feels as though I've only started yesterday. Not going to mask my official working life with any rainbow or butterfly; it's challenging, emotionally, mentally, mentally, physically, creatively, and spiritually. I believe my greatest struggle rn is in establishing my teacher identity. I never knew a mismatch of teaching practices and working styles could be so suffocating. Of course, I went in